Fast parallel path concatenation for graph extraction


Heterogeneous graph is a popular data model to represent the real-world relations with abundant semantics. To analyze heterogeneous graphs, an important step is extracting homogeneous graphs from the heterogeneous graphs, called homogeneous graph extraction. In an extracted homogeneous graph, the relation is defined by a line pattern on the heterogeneous graph and the new attribute values of the relation are calculated by user-defined aggregate functions. The key challenges of the extraction problem are how to efficiently enumerate paths matched by the line pattern and aggregate values for each pair of vertices from the matched paths. To address above two challenges, we propose a parallel graph extraction framework, where we use vertex-centric model to enumerate paths and compute aggregate functions in parallel. The framework compiles the line pattern into a path concatenation plan, which determines the order of concatenating paths and generates the final paths in a divide-and-conquer manner. We introduce a cost model to estimate the cost of a plan and discuss three plan selection strategies, among which the best plan can enumerate paths in OðlogðlÞÞ iterations, where l is the length of a pattern. Furthermore, to improve the performance of evaluating aggregate functions, we classify the aggregate functions into three categories, i.e., distributive aggregation, algebraic aggregation, and holistic aggregation. Since the distributive and algebraic aggregations can be computed from the partial paths, we speed up the aggregation by computing partial aggregate values during the path enumeration.

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering